Sunday 9 December 2012

Gemstone Massage

Our Gemstone Massage Therapies
Precious and semi-precious gemstones have been used since recorded history and probably before, for spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Many cultures have believed that gemstones emit various vibrations and frequencies - potentially balancing and healing body, mind, and spirit. 

The moon light from a full moon is especially powerful at cleansing, recharging and purifying our gemstones and  magnifies the energies and qualities of the specific gemstones which impregnate our specially prepared massage oil.

Professional Massage Therapy Delivered Right To Your Doorstep!

Appeler 221 771511675

Amethyst Awakening Oil Massage
Purple Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotions. It can increase vivid dreams, relieves depression, promotes calm, serenity, and spirituality. Amethyst helps with addiction and stress by balancing the intellectual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. 

Amethyst boosts the production of hormones, and stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and endocrine glands to optimum performance. It supports oxygenation in the blood, and aids in treatments of the digestive tract, heart, stomach, and skin. Amethyst also strengthens the immune system and reduces bruising, pain and swellings. It has been used with excellent results as an elixir in the treatment of arthritis.

Amethyst can be used to treat insomnia, cure pain from headaches and other stress disorders, blood sugar imbalance, left brain imbalances and facilitates healing; Assists in breaking of undesirable habits by calming and strengthening the mind with will power. Known as “nature’s tranquillizer ” Amethyst calms and soothes, assisting the transmission of neural signals through the brain. Amethyst is an excellent gemstone for diplomats, negotiators and business people. It calms angry temperaments and gives a distinct advantage in situations where debating is required. Amethyst is good for reducing the tendency to overspend, gambling addictions or unwise investments. Called the “All-healer,” Amethyst is one of the most effective crystals for healing people, plants and animals.

Accessible...Affordable...Convenient Mobile Massage

Sapphire Serenity Oil Massage
The Stone of Universal Truth, Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began. Its deep, celestial blue remains the symbol of royalty and honour  gods and power, spirit and vision. It is a universal symbol of wisdom and truth. Referenced in the Old Testament as sapphire (unknown in that part of the ancient world), Lapis Lazuli is most likely the fifth stone in the original breastplate of the High Priest, as well as those of later times.

Lapis Lazuli is beneficial to the throat, larynx, and vocal chords, and helps regulate the endocrine and thyroid glands. It overcomes hearing loss and other problems with ear and nasal passages. Lapis Lazuli enhances circulation and improves cardiac rhythm. It reduces vertigo and lowers blood pressure, and is thought to alleviate insomnia blocks psychic attack. Harmonizes, alleviates depression. Encourages taking charge of life. Encourages self-awareness, self-expression, creativity. Brings objectivity, clarity. Helps confront truth and accept what it teaches. Harmonizes conflict. Teaches value of active listening. Bonds relationships and friendship, aids expressing feelings and emotions.

Lapis is an excellent stone for executives, journalists, and psychologists, stimulating wisdom and good judgement in the practical world. It aids intellectual analysis in archaeologists and historians, problem solving for lawyers, and creates new ideas for inventors and writers.

No Driving...No Traffic...No Parking...Stay Home

Rose Quartz Healing Oil Massage

The Crystal of Unconditional Love, Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It is quite effective in attracting new love, romance and intimacy, or in developing a closer bond with family or friends. It supports connection within groups and community, and carries a high spiritual attunement to the Earth, Universe, and the Divine.
Calming, reassuring, excellent for trauma, crisis. Rose Quartz stimulates the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory system. It aids in relieving tension and stress, palpitations or skipped beats, and may stabilize irregular heart rhythm. 

This stone is used to clear fluids in the cells of the body and promote the release of impurities. It assists in healing the kidneys and adrenals, and placed on the thymus aids chest and lung problems, relieving coughs and soothing bronchial areas. It has also been used in treating vertigo. Rose Quartz is especially supportive of the female reproductive system, the genitals and for increase in fertility. It assists in alleviating sexual difficulties, post-partum depression,

Gently draws off negative energy, replacing it with loving vibes. Strengthens empathy, sensitivity, aids acceptance of necessary change. Excellent for mid-life crisis. Soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation. Comforts grief. Encourages self-forgiveness, acceptance, invokes self-trust and self-worth.

Experienced....Mobile.....Massage Therapists 

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